
Goodbye 2011

What a year...definitely a year of change.

What all happened?

  • I ran my first half marathon in Disney.
  • I went on my first big spring break trip to Key West.
  • I worked with Tom Cherones on a video project  
  • I survived the April 27th tornados in Tuscaloosa. 
  • I graduated from the University of Alabama  with a Bachelors of Arts and a Bachelors of Science. 
  • I got my first "real job" at a big box retailer
  • I hiked 230 miles on the Appalachian Trail with my mom
  • I moved into my first big girl apartment
  • My TV pilot project was shown in NYC 
  • I got transferred a month later and became an HR 
  • I moved into my second big girl apartment 
  • I survived my first black friday / holiday season
I've done a lot this year.  A lot more then is listed above.  I've made new friends and watched old friends get married.  I've learned a lot about myself, my strengths, and my weaknesses.  I'm on a great adventure and I'm starting to really grow up and grow into who I am.  I excited about 2012 and what it has in store for me! 


DIY Christmas Update!

I've started a little holiday DIY!  So here we go: 

Super easy...and took about 2 seconds, including the fluffing of the bow.  Got 10 yards of red ribbon for $5 and the pinecone sticks for $.25 each at Michaels.  Easy, cheap, and festive...can't get much better than that!

Inspiration:                                                                             Actuality:
 This project was a much bigger undertaking than I expected!  The tutorial I followed used a 6 inch wreath and about 2-3 boxes of tacks.  I used a 14 inch wreath and 9 whole boxes of tacks...and I could've used 1 more!  I got the styrofoam wreath at Michaels for about $5, then the dollar store has 300 tacks in a box for $1.  
I had to go back to the store a few times...for some reason i thought four boxes would be enough and it barely made it halfway!! 
      I had just finished the wreath and I was so excited to hang it, when I dropped it and it broke!! I was so tired and mad i just left it on the floor until the next afternoon. 
 I ducted taped it back together and while it doesn't look perfect, i fixed it pretty well. 
It was SO heavy (go pick up 2,700 tacks and you'll see what I mean), so I took a large ribbon (same ribbon on the chairs!!) and the only way I could figure out how to get it to stay was to nail it to the top of the door!  
Overall, I love it.  

Now we're onto glitter candles, body scrubs, picture frames, and a stocking hanger! 


DIY Christmas

I love love love Christmas.  and I LOVE decorating for it.  I did a little bit of decorating last year, but now that I'm officially in my own place, I plan to go all out.  I'm trying to resist as long as I can (I don't like Christmas that starts in October...or really November, but I don't think I can hold out for too much longer!  I'm living on a cute little budget right now, so I've been looking up a lot of DIY things (Pintrest anyone??). Maybe if I start crafting early, I'll get a little bit of it out of my system!! 

Here are some of my inspirations, complete with a whole bunch of links to tutorials!!
First: I found some adorable gift tag printables and I plan to use them on everything this year! This is one of them, how cute!

Second: I keep seeing glittery branches.  Super easy and super cheap!  I just need to find something cute to put them in before I start this one!  Here's one in a pitcher - but I can also cute a vase with ornaments, or a floor vase with just sparkly branches.  I think Christmas decorations NEED sparkle! 

Third: Cute Holiday Banner (tutorial anyone?).  I think this would look cute in those places that get overlooked or are kind of awkward to hang garlands and such on...I'm thinking that ugly blank wall behind my TV! 

Fourth: Again with the sparkly...glitter candles.  Candles that are sparkly or colored can sometimes get expensive, but finding some cheap white candles (or even maybe some red ones to mix in) and giving them some holiday glitz would make for an awesome centerpiece or add some holiday decor to the bathroom!

Fifth: When I saw this one, I was a little skeptical.  I still don't know how it might turn out, but I think it's a pretty cool idea.  Paper plate trees!  Super easy and the possibilities are endless! 

Sixth: What kind of DIY Christmas blog would this be if it didn't involve at least one homemade present?  I take a lot of pictures, so this would be super appropriate and easy to do.  Here's the lovely tutorial + other fun presents. 

Sidenote:  I have 11 tabs open at the moment looking at all my inpiration, and one of these sites has music and I can't figure out which one!  I really really really dislike it when people put music on their sites....

Seventh:  Since I'm decorating the whole apartment this year...chairs must be included too!  I have chairs like these (in brown), so some red ribbon and a pine cone or ornament would be super cute to dress them up! 

Eight:  If you stick to a color scheme at Christmas, this blog is decorating with RED!  In every room! Love it! 
P.S. Also just disovered that said blog was the offender in the music.  You have been warned. 

Nine: Lastly, I found a wonderful blog that helps remind what Christmas is all about.  This family did 25 days of Random Acts of Kindness.  Has some great ideas of things that seem so simple, like paying past due library fees, plugging meters, and bringing presents to the post office.  

So friends there is just a small taste of my Christmas obsession.  I already have two tubs of Christmas stuff, so I'll start then craft until my heart is content :) 


Where I was.

 Where were you on September 11, 2001?  It's the tragedy of our generation.  It's a day that will be talked about every year for a very long time because it changed a lot of things about our country, our airlines, and the way we looked at a whole culture.

Let me just preface this post with I do not expect you to read this.  It's more for me to look back and reflect on what I remember from that day 10 years ago.

I was in 7th grade, in Mrs. Jackson's english class.  It was just a regular beautiful September day, up to 8:46 am.  My mom (who taught at my middle school) was on hall duty outside and was on the phone with a parent.  They were talking about how her son needed to move classes when the mother started screaming.  My mom didn't know what was going on and thought she was freaking out about moving classes when in actuality she was watching the news and saw that the first plane had hit the world trade center.  My mom pulled me out of class and told me that someone blown up the world trade center.  My dad was supposed to be flying home from Kentucky that day but she couldn't get in touch with him at the moment.  We later found that they had either missed their flight or couldn't get on once every flight was grounded, and were driving back.  I didn't understand what was going on because I had honestly never heard the buildings called the "world trade center",  we had been to them many times and I have plenty of pictures in front of them but I always knew them as the "twin towers".  I didn't understand what was going on or honestly why it was a big deal.

All day we were getting updates over the intercom.  The second plane hit in science class and i really started to understand what the big deal was in history class.  Because we lived so close to NYC and so many people's parents worked there, kids were getting called out of class all day.  Parents couldn't get in touch with each other and they wanted their family all together.  After school, teachers rode the buses home with students and knocked on the door to make sure they weren't going home to an empty house.  Coverage was basically on every channel so they didn't want us watching it without someone around to explain it.

We stayed at school until 5pm until every student was at home or with a friend.  I think one of my most vivid moments of that entire day happened at dinner that night.  My mom had the news on in the other room and I remember looking over and they were showing footage of people jumped out of the towers.  It scared me so much I left the table in tears.  It was the first time I really understood HOW crazy this event was.  How desperate these people were and how chaotic their last moments were.

We later found out that we lost a few people from my little town.  We lost a father, a firefighter, and a young man who was 23.  He was where I am right now, just a few months into his first 'real' job.  He was at a great point in his life when it was all taken away.  The father had 4 children.  The firefighter just wanted to make a bit of difference in this world.  I think the thing I struggled with, as do many people in situations like this is WHY.  WHY did some people survive and others didn't.  It is something that pulls at my heart and makes me question a lot of things.  I have faith, but this shakes in a way and makes in stronger in another.

I worry about what my plan is, where I am going to be in 5, 10, 15 years.  But it also makes me believe that there is a plan.  I don't know what it is, but I know that when it's my time it's my time.  That things will work out how they are supposed to.  I know that when it's time for me to get married, have babies, break a leg, or be lonely that it is part of the plan.  I'm getting off topic here and I'm going to end this post ,  but I think every year we need to remember this day and be proud of our country and trust in our faith that it will all be ok.

And we also owe a HUGE thank you to the men and women who responded that day and chose to take on a mission that had a higher chance of death than survival.  So many of them made the ultimate sacrifice to help people, and we are truly blessed to have people in the world like them.


i am a runner because i say i am, not because i run fast or far.

Today I found an article titled "Find Out If You're a Jogger or a Runner" by John Bingham.  Here's an excerpt (well really it's the majority of the article) along with my thoughts.  I was thinking about this when i went running today.  I am just beginning my training for my second half marathon and thinking about my first full marathon, but does that make me a runner?  I run a few times a week maybe a mile or two at the moment.  Today I went almost 3 and i was super proud.  I've reached the point where I can run a half hour and it feels good...and that feels awesome.  i will never be an ultra marathoner and my knees may always ache but today, i am a runner because i run.

I AM A RUNNER because my runs have names. I do tempo runs and threshold runs andfartlek runs. I do long, slow runs and track workouts. My runs are defined, even if my abs are not. At the moment I am sticking with simple training runs...good old fashion "build up my knees and endurance runs". 

I AM A RUNNER because my shoes are training equipment, not a fashion statement. The best shoe for me is the one that makes me a better runner. I choose the shoe that goes with my running mechanics, not my running outfit.  Absolutely.  I LOVE my asics.  You only have to run in the wrong shoes once to appreciate this. 

I AM A RUNNER because I don't have running outfits. I have technical shirts and shorts and socks. I have apparel that enhances the experience of running by allowing me to run comfortably. I can say "Coolmax" and "Gore-Tex" in the same sentence and know which does what. I am a HUGE believer in gore-tex and dri-fit (however i have never heard of coolmax...i'm assuming it keeps you cool?).   But...I do believe in looking good when i run.  Today I ran in a bright purple dri-fit shirt (a little darker then this font color actually) and some little leggings and I felt good.  The only thing that really cramped my style was my two (yes, i have to wear two) knee braces and the high schooler boy who yelled "hey sweet thang" as a i was talking myself up a hill. 

I AM A RUNNER because I know what effort feels like, and I embrace it. I know when I'm pushing the limits of my comfort and why I'm doing it. I know that heavy breathing and an accelerated heart rate--things I once avoided--are necessary if I want to be a better runner. Truth. I love that feeling when you make it to the top of the hill or when you go one more lap.  I take that back, I absolutely hate it but I love the result.  I know that next time it won't be as hard and that's progress. 

I AM A RUNNER because I value and respect my body. It will whisper to me when I've done too much. And if I choose to listen to that whisper, my body won't have to scream in pain later on. This is something I have to focus on when I run.  I have always had bad knees and will always.  it's not something that will go away.  i was 16 when i was told i'd have knee replacements and 20 when i was told that i might as well just keep running until i can't anymore and then we'll fix it. and that's my plan, lets go. but i need to ensure that i take care of myself.  stretch, know my limits, and yes...wear both big bulky sweaty ugly knee braces..every time. 

I AM A RUNNER because I am willing to lay it all on the line. I know that every finish line has the potential to lift my spirits to new highs or devastate me, yet I line up anyway.  I am still a newbie at all this finish line stuff.  at my last half marathon, my goal was simply to finish.  However, this next half, my goal is to simply beat my last time.  easy peasy :) 

I AM A RUNNER because I know that despite my best efforts, I will always want more from myself. I will always want to know my limits so that I can exceed them.  i run for me.  i don't run for you or for records or to be skinny or whatever.  i run to release tension and to be a better stronger more fabulous me. 

I AM A RUNNER because I run. Not because I run fast. Not because I run far.

I AM A RUNNER because I say I am. And no one can tell me I'm not.

So run on my friends. Run, jog, waddle, or walk.  You can do it...you just gotta start. Just start. 



Tonight I did something scary, I ate dinner. In a restaurant.  In the middle of families and dates.

All. By. Myself.

I realize this may not be a big deal, but for me it was a bit terrifying.  But here I am, in a hotel room in a new city training for my job.  I don't know anyone here and I needed to eat!  I ate in the past couple nights but I was ready for an adventure out.  So on I went!  I picked a cute little cantina down the road and took the plunge.  It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought! I'm an independent woman, booyah.

Pros of dining as an independent woman:
      1. I get the whole bowl of salsa (and seconds) all to myself
      2. I can double dip as much as I want
      3. The waitress pays me super extra attention
      4. Food comes as fast as it takes for them to make mine.

Cons of eating in the company of your thoughts:
      1. The waitress seemed to feel a little bad for me
      2. I think having a marg with dinner qualifies as drinking alone
      3. The hostess put me as close to the middle of the room as possible

Tips for feeding the soul (and belly):
      1. Look pretty - you feel like all eyes an on you, so you might as well impress them!
      2. Bring something to do - be it a book, or whatever, it's just nice to have something to do when you're waiting for your food
      3. Enjoy your own company.  It was nice to take as long as I wanted, savor the meal, and just have some time to relax and enjoy a good meal.

Overall, I had a nice time eating by myself.  I won't be doing it regularly though - it's still a bit terrifying and it's nice to have someone to talk to besides a concerned waitress!

Have you ever dined by yourself at a real restaurant?  Would you?



Organized Design

I was looking for a craft that was easy, cheap, and practical and here we have it!  The necklace hanging frame!  I was looking on DIY websites and also found some ideas from Lauren Conrad's Website about how to fix the endless problem of tangled and lost necklaces.

First: the inspiration:
 From pottery barn (and LCs webpage)
a frame with a corkboard nailed to the back
 an old rake (how cool!)

Next: the doing

1. Find a frame the right size.  I found this at a thrift store for $1.  It's 18" x 18".  Pull off the backing and picture and any nails/staples that may be in it.  

2. Then I washed it.  It was actually pretty gross so a little bath was just what it needed.  

3. Then I painted it white (disregard the K, it's for a different project!) and added a few silver brushstrokes for a little interest - I was going to sand down a few parts to distress it a little but I didn't have sandpaper and was too lazy to get it! 

4. I gave the underside and back a layer of silver paint for the finishing touch.  Not that you'll ever see the back, but it does make the whole thing feel finished, and you can see the little lip at some angles. 
5.  Then I added nails on the top and bottom.  I started at the center then worked my way out at 2" intervals.  I put one on the ends on the top but not on the bottom so I could hang the longest necklaces at the end and not get them caught on a bottom nail. 

6.  All nailed up!

7.  Then I hung a command hook on the wall (the frame had hanging hardware so it made sense) and put a few necklaces on it!
8.  Here's the finished look! In real life it has a lot more necklaces on it.  you can see the silver touches i added more in this picture.  i hung it over my bookcase and it is really an interesting but functional piece in my room.

Overall this project cost me about $5:  $1 frame, $2 white paint, $1 silver paint, $1 foam brush.  How fabulous?? You can use a more ornate frame for a vintage look, or smaller frame and make a collage of sorts with one for necklaces and one for bracelets.

Happy designing! Tootles! 

Channelling my Inner Kitten

I'm in love... 

...with leopard print. 

I'm not usually a trend follow but this is most definitely my favorite trend of the moment.  There are so many ways to wear it and it just looks so chic if done right.  It should be used as an accent, not a whole outfit or anything crazy like that! Here are a couple of pieces I love. 
Lodis 'Siren' Smartphone CaseSale: $37.90

Not that I'd ever actually use a phone case (wayyy to practical), I would love it as a wristlet.
 If you know anything about me, you know I'm a scarf addict - so naturally I would need a leopard one! 
Nordstrom Printed Crinkle Silk ScarfSale: $37.90

Vince Camuto 'Studded Bow' Leopard Print Calf Hair BeltSale: $31.90This is so cute and dainty I just can't deal.  I LOVE the little bow.  it would be perfect with a summery white dress or in the fall with almost any solid color dress. 

If you're feeling exceptionally ferocious , this little number will keep all eyes on you...however I do not have the confidence (or the arms) to pull this one off!! Maybe one day...
Leopard Corset Bra Top $59.50 on VS  

These are SUPER cute.  You could wear these as a great accent to a slightly dressier outfit.  it's sexy but understated enough to not overpower the outfit. 
From VS (I closed it before I got the info and I couldn't find it again!)

I would totally rock these.  They add a great rocker chick feel to any outfit 
Colin Stewart Studded Pump $78 from VS 
 I love the removable bow on these - perfect if you want to spice up an office outfit but still be classy and chic.
Colin Stewart Bow Pump $68 on VS
Belted Trench $148 on VS 
I know I said the leopard print should be understated...but i LOVE this, want this, NEED to have this.  It's a fabulous finisher to any outfit - party dress, office chic, or just running out on a cool day.

I'm not usually a style blogger (except for my fabulous shoe post) but I hope you enjoyed this and love the animal print just as much as I do.  And if not - more for me! 



Face Scrub

Tomorrow morning I start my big kid job (yay!) and yesterday I started to break out (boo!) so I decided to do a facial scrub.  Now I'm a big fan of masks and such but I've never found a scrub that was easy to make at home and that I liked.  Then I came across the easiest and best scrub I've found so I decided to share it with my (4) avid readers!

Drumroll please....

- Take 2 or 3 spoonfuls of baking soda in a small bowl
- Add a little bit of water
- Stir together to make a paste

Before you put it on your face, be sure it's clean (either wash it or just take a makeup remover wipe and wash away the days dirt!).  Then I always take a wash cloth and dip in into hot water and rub it on my face (it helps to open up your pores so that it can really get all the gunk out of them!)

Then, apply scrub to your face!  Rub it, scrub it, and exfoliate your troubles away.  I used it tonight and I'm hooked.  It's simple and takes a grand total of 7 minutes for you to feel like a whole new person!

Try it! Love it!


Going over my bed

Found this quote today when browsing through the many many designing blogs i've been frequenting lately and i LOVE this.  I'm planning to make a picture gallery above my bed in my new place and I'm going to make my own print up of this and place it in the gallery for daily inspiration. so fabulous.

any designing websites I should see? tell me, tell me!

Also found this second one: i love it. dare yourself everyday.  I just love picture quotes.

Missed me?

i havent blogged in forever! whoops. and i'm not going to blog much at this moment.  BUT I will give you a preview of what's to come so that maybeeee i'll do it!

first off - like my new layout/background? i've been needing a change! i'm also going to start labeling, woo!

- update on my great adventure with my mom (complete with pics!)

- follow my new adventure into decorating my new big girl apartment on a serious budget, living in a new city, and starting my big girl job!

I'm at a great place in my life right now, everything is pretty much new.  Yes i have the same friends, the same boyfriend, and the same me, but I'm at a place where I am finding out my decorating style, my work ethic, and my ability to survive on my own.  I'm really excited to be where I am and to learn and grow and change into a new woman.



A little bit forgotten.

Yesterday, May 7, 2011, was my graduation day.  If it had gone the way I had planned, it would have been a great day.  I'd have worn a black dress with new red high heels.  I would have done my nails, gotten my hair cut, and worn my pearls.  I would have received 2 stoles for graduating magna cum laude with 2 degrees and I would have proudly walked across the stage with my fellow communication graduates.  My family, complete with mom, dad, brother, grandmother, an aunt or two, and maybe some more would have all been there and Josh would have taken a hundred pictures.

But alas, I did not walk.  No one did.  Instead I wore my t-shirt and tempos and had my mom take me to waysider for breakfast.  I wandered around the quad in my cap and gown and pretended it was a great day.  But in actuality, I was broken hearted.  I had dreamed of this day for as long as I can remember and it was ripped away from me in 20 seconds on Wednesday, April 27.  A tornado came through my beloved town and abruptly ended my college career.  I never thought it would end this way.  I wanted to go to my teachers "million dollar lecture", then the business college party, then my senior bar crawl, the kite flight.  I wanted to spend the week with my friends enjoying a few 'last' times together.  I was going to take 3 finals, then start packing up my apartment. I had time to digest my time at college was coming to end, time to say goodbye, and time to move on.

But now, I am packing up my apartment and leaving it all behind.  I didn't say goodbye to the majority of my friends and it's making the whole process a little bit harder.  I realize I am so lucky to be here and be basically unscathed by the tornado and that I might be a little selfish in my feelings, but that's how it is.  I have had no closure to college.  And I don't know if the university understands.  I have yet to hear anything from them about ending my time here, except for a small email asking for me to do a survey.  Yes, I will be back in August to walk, but no, it will not be the same.

I am a University of Alabama, magna cum laude graduate with a B.A. in video production and a B.S. in business management.  But it doesn't feel like my time here is really over.  One day it will, but until then I will be wandering around my home of 4 years, trying to find the bigger meaning behind all this.

*Disclaimer: As sad as I was that I did not walk on Saturday, I did have a great day spent with my mom and Josh.  They supported me when I insisted on prancing around the quad in all my glory, complete with my new red and houndstooth sunglasses.  I love them both very much and I feel blessed I got to spend such a beautiful day with them.



Things that annoy me: people who chew loudly, people who shake their leg in class, and continuity errors in movies.  I am, and always have been, the person who points out Hey! Did you see that?!! Her water is full, empty, full!  While no one seems to notice. See "A Lot Like Love" (screenshots taken from youtube) for example: 
Water - full Water - Half empty
Water - full  Water - completely empty

My parents and I watched this last weekend and I was whining the whole scene because of these waters and I made them rewind and re-watch it so they could see it.  People rarely notice this stuff, and it absolutely amazes me.  Call me detail oriented, but if the bag is in the left hand, I think it should stay there.  

However, I am not alone on my quest to find continuity errors and squash them.  I love this website: Movie Mistakes.  It is totally dedicated to finding and revealing errors in our favorite movies.  Nothing is perfect, even the wonderful Harry Potter movies.  You should check it out, especially the picture mistakes and have a good laugh.  The fabulous Social Network has 20 corrections (mostly with using technology that hadn't been invented yet - such as Windows Vista) and even the Best Motion Picture of the Year The King's Speech has 5 errors noted on the sight.  

Now, why do I rant about this?  Because recently I, yes I, was the cause of a big error in another Best Picture, Sugarbaby, which won at Campus Movie Fest this year.  I had been helping out during the shoot and was taking a break while they were shooting the last shot (the opening shots).  I was so sad to find out that I was the one to make this a less than perfect (but still wonderful) short film.  Here are some screen shots of my disappointing appearance: 
 Not there... Totally staring...  Gone as fast as I came... 

I was actually shown more than once...but that was to much screen shooting for me...so watch it yourself here: Sugarbaby

So my friends, I'd encourage you to be on the watch for these errors, but then people would stop wanting to watch movies with you...trust me. 

Until next time...


Life and Change

Yesterday I met the most precious baby girl and cousin #16 (just on mom's side); Sophie.  She was just 4 days old and was a very sleepy bundle of joy.  I honestly don't think I have ever met a human that young.  My aunt has another baby who will be 1 on March 1 (along with her big babies of 13 and 15).  Seeing how much little Sammy had changed in this one year go me thinking: can we ever truly stop learning?  Sophie hasn't gained enough strength to hold her little head up but in less than a year she'll be chasing her brother around trying to learn new words (Sammy's favorite is "woooowww").

So much changes in a year when you are younger, but what about when you get older?  We think we have learned the major stuff, so is the rest just fine tuning?  I don't know, but we really can't ever stop.  As humans we must learn, adapt, sense, and change with our environments.

So, lets take a look at what has changed in this last year for me:
-Changed my hair color
-Trained and complete my 1st half marathon (legs and confidence in my abilities, along with the health of my knees changed significantly)
-Moved (both into my first apartment and my parents into their permanent AL home)
-Learned lots in school - finance, HR, production, storytelling, self defense...
-Got and am still learning how to use my new fancy cam
-Went from being terrified of to addicted to Criminal Minds
-Changed my watch

There are so many minute things that have changed in the last year it's almost overwhelming once you really start to think about it.  When I first started writing my list, I was thinking of major thing, then it turned into oh that's different, so is that, and that...  We truly never stand completely still

While we may not all be students forever or "lifelong learners" by name, we must be in practice.  You are a student of the world, every time you step outside something changes.  Every time you try something new, you could either learn you love __ or you hate __ .  There is absolutely no way to go through life, a year, or a day without changing or learning, whether we are conscious of it or not.  And while we all may know this, it sometimes takes a precious new life to really be aware of it.

And just in case you were wondering just how precious she really is, I've added some pictures:
 Littlest Sophie with grandmaSammy Playing 

So remember, life is beautiful and embrace each and every day you are blessed to have. 

Until next time...


Little about Love

Everyone seems to be blogging about how they feel about Valentines day, and while I may be a few days late, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon.

Valentines day used to be so much fun, everyone got to decorate a bag or mailbox to put on their desk for their 20 something cards they were guaranteed to receive.  Sure, best friends may give extra candy to each other, but no one ever got left out.  Now it has become so serious and so much pressure is put on each other to make the day special.  Maybe it's the hippie in me, but I think we should revert back and love everyone...or at least give them little pieces of paper and candy hearts that say we do.

Now, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love that I got flowers, a (re-made birthday) card, and a home cooked meal from my wonderful boyfriend.  But I was just as excited my mom also sent me a card and that a friend handed me a box of Sweethearts.

But back to my point - no matter if you are single or taken on one particular day of the year really doesn't matter.  Yes, it feels like it does that day, but in the grand scheme of things?  Nope.  Love yourself.  Don't feel bad if a boy or girl didn't kiss you goodnight on Feb 14, just be thankful you are alive, happy, and healthy.  Make a list of things you love about yourself and your life.  Write yourself a valentines day card saying "I Love YOU!" or just write a note on your bathroom mirror so you see it first thing everyday.  Love yourself first and you will exude such confidence and happiness that people will find so contagious they can't help but want to hang out with you.  So quit your whining people and just be happy.

And if none of this cures your valentines day woes...I hear chocolate works too :)

Until next time...

"Love is like happiness, it is most often found when you stop seeking it"


What not to wear

With valentines day coming up, naturally my roommate and I were checking what Victorias Secret had to offer.  After browsing through the uncomfortable looking lingerie, we moved to shoes.  Now, I love shoes, and Victorias Secret is usually a great place to find some sexy, comfortable, and stylish shoes.  However, when looking through the "Must haves for spring", I became a little worried about the fate of many valentine day dates.  Wearing some of these shoes can be highly detrimental to your health and love life.  In order to save a few dates this year, I've given you some tips on what to avoid.

Our first shoe of conversation, is the Camo Mary Jane Wedge.  This shoe is perfect for your picnic out in the woods while your man drives his big truck around hoping to catch a 10-pointer.

Next we have the ever popular Wedge Sneaker, fully decked out with buckles and zippers, just in case you have forgotten how to tie your shoes.  This is perfect for sitting on the stands while you watch your man practice at the batting range.  Not so romantic, but neither are the shoes.

  Third we have some shoes that are just a thorn in my side, I hate everything about them.  The only time this shoe would ever be appropriate would be if you were planning to experience a wide range of temperatures during the day - beach weather for the sandal part and winter weather for the boot part - truly the mullet of a shoe...party on the bottom, business on top.

These shoes are perfect for the person who tends to drop things on their feet.  With the comfortable stretch back and the stretchy mesh top, you will feel like you are wearing nothing.  With the unsightly bruises you have on the top of your feet (because of all the dropping you've been doing), you can be discrete.
And with the stiletto and open toe, you can still have a hint of sexiness.

 Ok, seriously...I don't have anything witty to say about these.  I'll just leave you with this: don't. Your feet are not cage dancers.

From one shoe lover to another, I desperately hope none of you choose to take on any of these hot spring trends.

Until next time...

"When I feel bad I like to treat myself. Clothes never look any good... food just makes me fatter... shoes always fit." - Rose Feller, In Her Shoes