Everyone seems to be blogging about how they feel about Valentines day, and while I may be a few days late, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon.

Valentines day used to be so much fun, everyone got to decorate a bag or mailbox to put on their desk for their 20 something cards they were guaranteed to receive. Sure, best friends may give extra candy to each other, but no one ever got left out. Now it has become so serious and so much pressure is put on each other to make the day special. Maybe it's the hippie in me, but I think we should revert back and love everyone...or at least give them little pieces of paper and candy hearts that say we do.
Now, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love that I got flowers, a (re-made birthday) card, and a home cooked meal from my wonderful boyfriend. But I was just as excited my mom also sent me a card and that a friend handed me a box of Sweethearts.

But back to my point - no matter if you are single or taken on one particular day of the year really doesn't matter. Yes, it feels like it does that day, but in the grand scheme of things? Nope. Love yourself. Don't feel bad if a boy or girl didn't kiss you goodnight on Feb 14, just be thankful you are alive, happy, and healthy. Make a list of things you love about yourself and your life. Write yourself a valentines day card saying "I Love YOU!" or just write a note on your bathroom mirror so you see it first thing everyday. Love yourself first and you will exude such confidence and happiness that people will find so contagious they can't help but want to hang out with you. So quit your whining people and just be happy.
And if none of this cures your valentines day woes...I hear chocolate works too :)
Until next time...
"Love is like happiness, it is most often found when you stop seeking it"
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