
Life and Change

Yesterday I met the most precious baby girl and cousin #16 (just on mom's side); Sophie.  She was just 4 days old and was a very sleepy bundle of joy.  I honestly don't think I have ever met a human that young.  My aunt has another baby who will be 1 on March 1 (along with her big babies of 13 and 15).  Seeing how much little Sammy had changed in this one year go me thinking: can we ever truly stop learning?  Sophie hasn't gained enough strength to hold her little head up but in less than a year she'll be chasing her brother around trying to learn new words (Sammy's favorite is "woooowww").

So much changes in a year when you are younger, but what about when you get older?  We think we have learned the major stuff, so is the rest just fine tuning?  I don't know, but we really can't ever stop.  As humans we must learn, adapt, sense, and change with our environments.

So, lets take a look at what has changed in this last year for me:
-Changed my hair color
-Trained and complete my 1st half marathon (legs and confidence in my abilities, along with the health of my knees changed significantly)
-Moved (both into my first apartment and my parents into their permanent AL home)
-Learned lots in school - finance, HR, production, storytelling, self defense...
-Got and am still learning how to use my new fancy cam
-Went from being terrified of to addicted to Criminal Minds
-Changed my watch

There are so many minute things that have changed in the last year it's almost overwhelming once you really start to think about it.  When I first started writing my list, I was thinking of major thing, then it turned into oh that's different, so is that, and that...  We truly never stand completely still

While we may not all be students forever or "lifelong learners" by name, we must be in practice.  You are a student of the world, every time you step outside something changes.  Every time you try something new, you could either learn you love __ or you hate __ .  There is absolutely no way to go through life, a year, or a day without changing or learning, whether we are conscious of it or not.  And while we all may know this, it sometimes takes a precious new life to really be aware of it.

And just in case you were wondering just how precious she really is, I've added some pictures:
 Littlest Sophie with grandmaSammy Playing 

So remember, life is beautiful and embrace each and every day you are blessed to have. 

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. absolutely LOVE this post. I've written a lot about this subject too. I think we are just at that stage in our life where because so much is changing, we are very cognizant of it all. If that makes any sense. I am always wondering how much of that change in relationships, friendships or myself is "normal" and how much of it is unneccessary or what has stayed the same that I should probably change? I don't think I'll ever have answers to questions like that, but I am glad that I think about it from time to time to reassess my progress and make sure that I am indeed making progress toward maturity, learning and growing. I did NOT know that you had a blog! I'm going to go read every post.
    Love you!
    Awesome quote: We truly never stand completely still.
