

Things that annoy me: people who chew loudly, people who shake their leg in class, and continuity errors in movies.  I am, and always have been, the person who points out Hey! Did you see that?!! Her water is full, empty, full!  While no one seems to notice. See "A Lot Like Love" (screenshots taken from youtube) for example: 
Water - full Water - Half empty
Water - full  Water - completely empty

My parents and I watched this last weekend and I was whining the whole scene because of these waters and I made them rewind and re-watch it so they could see it.  People rarely notice this stuff, and it absolutely amazes me.  Call me detail oriented, but if the bag is in the left hand, I think it should stay there.  

However, I am not alone on my quest to find continuity errors and squash them.  I love this website: Movie Mistakes.  It is totally dedicated to finding and revealing errors in our favorite movies.  Nothing is perfect, even the wonderful Harry Potter movies.  You should check it out, especially the picture mistakes and have a good laugh.  The fabulous Social Network has 20 corrections (mostly with using technology that hadn't been invented yet - such as Windows Vista) and even the Best Motion Picture of the Year The King's Speech has 5 errors noted on the sight.  

Now, why do I rant about this?  Because recently I, yes I, was the cause of a big error in another Best Picture, Sugarbaby, which won at Campus Movie Fest this year.  I had been helping out during the shoot and was taking a break while they were shooting the last shot (the opening shots).  I was so sad to find out that I was the one to make this a less than perfect (but still wonderful) short film.  Here are some screen shots of my disappointing appearance: 
 Not there... Totally staring...  Gone as fast as I came... 

I was actually shown more than once...but that was to much screen shooting for me...so watch it yourself here: Sugarbaby

So my friends, I'd encourage you to be on the watch for these errors, but then people would stop wanting to watch movies with you...trust me. 

Until next time...

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