

Things that annoy me: people who chew loudly, people who shake their leg in class, and continuity errors in movies.  I am, and always have been, the person who points out Hey! Did you see that?!! Her water is full, empty, full!  While no one seems to notice. See "A Lot Like Love" (screenshots taken from youtube) for example: 
Water - full Water - Half empty
Water - full  Water - completely empty

My parents and I watched this last weekend and I was whining the whole scene because of these waters and I made them rewind and re-watch it so they could see it.  People rarely notice this stuff, and it absolutely amazes me.  Call me detail oriented, but if the bag is in the left hand, I think it should stay there.  

However, I am not alone on my quest to find continuity errors and squash them.  I love this website: Movie Mistakes.  It is totally dedicated to finding and revealing errors in our favorite movies.  Nothing is perfect, even the wonderful Harry Potter movies.  You should check it out, especially the picture mistakes and have a good laugh.  The fabulous Social Network has 20 corrections (mostly with using technology that hadn't been invented yet - such as Windows Vista) and even the Best Motion Picture of the Year The King's Speech has 5 errors noted on the sight.  

Now, why do I rant about this?  Because recently I, yes I, was the cause of a big error in another Best Picture, Sugarbaby, which won at Campus Movie Fest this year.  I had been helping out during the shoot and was taking a break while they were shooting the last shot (the opening shots).  I was so sad to find out that I was the one to make this a less than perfect (but still wonderful) short film.  Here are some screen shots of my disappointing appearance: 
 Not there... Totally staring...  Gone as fast as I came... 

I was actually shown more than once...but that was to much screen shooting for me...so watch it yourself here: Sugarbaby

So my friends, I'd encourage you to be on the watch for these errors, but then people would stop wanting to watch movies with you...trust me. 

Until next time...


Life and Change

Yesterday I met the most precious baby girl and cousin #16 (just on mom's side); Sophie.  She was just 4 days old and was a very sleepy bundle of joy.  I honestly don't think I have ever met a human that young.  My aunt has another baby who will be 1 on March 1 (along with her big babies of 13 and 15).  Seeing how much little Sammy had changed in this one year go me thinking: can we ever truly stop learning?  Sophie hasn't gained enough strength to hold her little head up but in less than a year she'll be chasing her brother around trying to learn new words (Sammy's favorite is "woooowww").

So much changes in a year when you are younger, but what about when you get older?  We think we have learned the major stuff, so is the rest just fine tuning?  I don't know, but we really can't ever stop.  As humans we must learn, adapt, sense, and change with our environments.

So, lets take a look at what has changed in this last year for me:
-Changed my hair color
-Trained and complete my 1st half marathon (legs and confidence in my abilities, along with the health of my knees changed significantly)
-Moved (both into my first apartment and my parents into their permanent AL home)
-Learned lots in school - finance, HR, production, storytelling, self defense...
-Got and am still learning how to use my new fancy cam
-Went from being terrified of to addicted to Criminal Minds
-Changed my watch

There are so many minute things that have changed in the last year it's almost overwhelming once you really start to think about it.  When I first started writing my list, I was thinking of major thing, then it turned into oh that's different, so is that, and that...  We truly never stand completely still

While we may not all be students forever or "lifelong learners" by name, we must be in practice.  You are a student of the world, every time you step outside something changes.  Every time you try something new, you could either learn you love __ or you hate __ .  There is absolutely no way to go through life, a year, or a day without changing or learning, whether we are conscious of it or not.  And while we all may know this, it sometimes takes a precious new life to really be aware of it.

And just in case you were wondering just how precious she really is, I've added some pictures:
 Littlest Sophie with grandmaSammy Playing 

So remember, life is beautiful and embrace each and every day you are blessed to have. 

Until next time...


Little about Love

Everyone seems to be blogging about how they feel about Valentines day, and while I may be a few days late, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon.

Valentines day used to be so much fun, everyone got to decorate a bag or mailbox to put on their desk for their 20 something cards they were guaranteed to receive.  Sure, best friends may give extra candy to each other, but no one ever got left out.  Now it has become so serious and so much pressure is put on each other to make the day special.  Maybe it's the hippie in me, but I think we should revert back and love everyone...or at least give them little pieces of paper and candy hearts that say we do.

Now, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love that I got flowers, a (re-made birthday) card, and a home cooked meal from my wonderful boyfriend.  But I was just as excited my mom also sent me a card and that a friend handed me a box of Sweethearts.

But back to my point - no matter if you are single or taken on one particular day of the year really doesn't matter.  Yes, it feels like it does that day, but in the grand scheme of things?  Nope.  Love yourself.  Don't feel bad if a boy or girl didn't kiss you goodnight on Feb 14, just be thankful you are alive, happy, and healthy.  Make a list of things you love about yourself and your life.  Write yourself a valentines day card saying "I Love YOU!" or just write a note on your bathroom mirror so you see it first thing everyday.  Love yourself first and you will exude such confidence and happiness that people will find so contagious they can't help but want to hang out with you.  So quit your whining people and just be happy.

And if none of this cures your valentines day woes...I hear chocolate works too :)

Until next time...

"Love is like happiness, it is most often found when you stop seeking it"


What not to wear

With valentines day coming up, naturally my roommate and I were checking what Victorias Secret had to offer.  After browsing through the uncomfortable looking lingerie, we moved to shoes.  Now, I love shoes, and Victorias Secret is usually a great place to find some sexy, comfortable, and stylish shoes.  However, when looking through the "Must haves for spring", I became a little worried about the fate of many valentine day dates.  Wearing some of these shoes can be highly detrimental to your health and love life.  In order to save a few dates this year, I've given you some tips on what to avoid.

Our first shoe of conversation, is the Camo Mary Jane Wedge.  This shoe is perfect for your picnic out in the woods while your man drives his big truck around hoping to catch a 10-pointer.

Next we have the ever popular Wedge Sneaker, fully decked out with buckles and zippers, just in case you have forgotten how to tie your shoes.  This is perfect for sitting on the stands while you watch your man practice at the batting range.  Not so romantic, but neither are the shoes.

  Third we have some shoes that are just a thorn in my side, I hate everything about them.  The only time this shoe would ever be appropriate would be if you were planning to experience a wide range of temperatures during the day - beach weather for the sandal part and winter weather for the boot part - truly the mullet of a shoe...party on the bottom, business on top.

These shoes are perfect for the person who tends to drop things on their feet.  With the comfortable stretch back and the stretchy mesh top, you will feel like you are wearing nothing.  With the unsightly bruises you have on the top of your feet (because of all the dropping you've been doing), you can be discrete.
And with the stiletto and open toe, you can still have a hint of sexiness.

 Ok, seriously...I don't have anything witty to say about these.  I'll just leave you with this: don't. Your feet are not cage dancers.

From one shoe lover to another, I desperately hope none of you choose to take on any of these hot spring trends.

Until next time...

"When I feel bad I like to treat myself. Clothes never look any good... food just makes me fatter... shoes always fit." - Rose Feller, In Her Shoes  


Rainy Days

I love rainy days.  Yes they're dreary and we're all sleepy, but they're fun to me.  I could go on about how I think they're beautiful and refreshing, but that's not what this is about.  Next time it rains, look around while you're cursing the walk to class.  People are so funny and all have what I like to call "rain personalities".  Here is what I noticed on my simple 10 minute walk home:

Fearless Warriors: No rain coat, maybe a hat, smoking, walking or riding their bike fast to avoid getting too wet.  They seem not to care, but in actuality, they'd prefer not to be wet.

Rain Repellers: Regardless of if it is barely drizzling or raining cats and dogs, they are decked out.  We're talking rain boots, zipped up jacket with hood, hat, and umbrella.  In extreme cases, they cover their backpack, either with their jacket (hunchback alert) or with a pack cover.  They usually walk fast and complain the whole way about possibly getting wet.

Sorority Girl: Looks like the same uniform worn daily, but with a rainy twist.  Take out the uggs and, keep the leggings and big t-shirt, add rain boots and raincoat.  Makeup and hair done as usual.
Asians: Maybe it's just me, but I've never seen one in a raincoat.  I don't get it.  However, rain or shine, they do have their umbrellas.  Usually bright colored and larger than average.  Not uncommon to see more than one under the same umbrella.

Divas: These are the people who carry those funky clear umbrellas that come down and look like the top of a space suit.  After doing a little googling, I learned these are called "bubble umbrellas" and are a great fashion accessory.  My favorite part is that they claim to keep you safe in a 'cocoon'.  They are so stylish they even have a website...

My favorite outfit of the day was one I hadn't seen before.  She had matching rain boots and umbrella, with a rain jacket that had the colors inverted.  It was a little much for me, but she seemed to be enjoying her outfit...so you go girl.  Rock what you got.

While no one may really enjoy rainy days, next time look for these characters on your walk and let it make your day a little more enjoyable :)

Until next time...

"There's always a period of curious fear between the first sweet-smelling breeze and the time when the rain comes cracking down." - Don Delillo