
DIY Christmas Update!

I've started a little holiday DIY!  So here we go: 

Super easy...and took about 2 seconds, including the fluffing of the bow.  Got 10 yards of red ribbon for $5 and the pinecone sticks for $.25 each at Michaels.  Easy, cheap, and festive...can't get much better than that!

Inspiration:                                                                             Actuality:
 This project was a much bigger undertaking than I expected!  The tutorial I followed used a 6 inch wreath and about 2-3 boxes of tacks.  I used a 14 inch wreath and 9 whole boxes of tacks...and I could've used 1 more!  I got the styrofoam wreath at Michaels for about $5, then the dollar store has 300 tacks in a box for $1.  
I had to go back to the store a few times...for some reason i thought four boxes would be enough and it barely made it halfway!! 
      I had just finished the wreath and I was so excited to hang it, when I dropped it and it broke!! I was so tired and mad i just left it on the floor until the next afternoon. 
 I ducted taped it back together and while it doesn't look perfect, i fixed it pretty well. 
It was SO heavy (go pick up 2,700 tacks and you'll see what I mean), so I took a large ribbon (same ribbon on the chairs!!) and the only way I could figure out how to get it to stay was to nail it to the top of the door!  
Overall, I love it.  

Now we're onto glitter candles, body scrubs, picture frames, and a stocking hanger! 

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