Hello Friends!
So, I spend an enormous amount of time in my office. I work at least 50 hours a week, and while I don't spend all my time at my desk...I do spend a lot! Being the HR, my office is the most public, and therefore always needs to be neat, organized, professional, but still has to represent me.
When I first started, I spent the majority of my time throwing away things the person before me had (really, i don't need papers from 2007) and organizing it the way it is supposed to be. As soon as I had things purged and organized, it was time for seasonal hiring and the holiday rush. My office was ok..but it was never really MY office.
FINALLY, things have slowed down enough that I could convince the facilities tech to paint my office (the walls were covered in nail holes and it was just kind of dingy looking). I could reorganize and was finally able to make my office my own.
Before #2: I have a table and chairs that are in the front corner. There used to be a board on the left side and a bunch of holes on the right side!
After: Here's the re-done corner. I covered the back of the bulletin board (crazy quick and easy fix for a board that's nearing the end of it's lifespan. On the other side, I hung a mirror, a K (for kate...), and two picture frames. I have finally put some pictures that I took in the frames, so it doesn't look so bare. I've also added a tablecloth on the table, which really pulls it all together. And the candy bowls are a staple...I'm an HR, and it's one of the best ways to get people to come by your office and chat with you :)
Now in order for me to really make my office my own, I added some personal touches. I had a HUGE white board and way to big bulletin board next to the desk, which just took up space and made the place feel smaller. With these new boards, it feels much cleaner, and is just what I need. 
Lastly, I added some cutesy touches to make it mine. I love these "k" magnets (from Michaels), they're simply fabulous. I also love love love this polka dot box (drawer organizer from Home Goods) that holds my colorful paperclips, binder clips, and push pins. Office papers are more fun when they're clipped together with bright clips! 
There are more touches in my office that arent pictured. I have an Alabama pillow on my chair, a blue zebra print candle holder turned pen cup, and lots of pictures of friends and family. It's finally MY office and I'm happier to spend more time here than well...anywhere else!